08.11.20. Blast in Beirut

A recent devastating explosion in Lebanon’s port city capital of Beirut has raised questions over the country’s leadership, and the role that the international community will play in providing aid moving forward. Continue reading 08.11.20. Blast in Beirut

07.27.20. Rights vs. Riots

This week, as violent protests continue around the United States, we look at the controversial deployment of federal authorities to locations like Portland, Oregon, and the justification for this given by the DHS.  Continue reading 07.27.20. Rights vs. Riots

06.29.20. Common Sense in the Age of COVID

This week we examine claims against the accuracy of former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton’s new book, and the ongoing struggle communities are facing in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Continue reading 06.29.20. Common Sense in the Age of COVID

06.17.20. Autonomy, or Anarchy?

The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle has aroused controversy over what some call a “takeover” by political activists in the city. But has media reporting on the situation been accurate, and does it represent autonomy, anarchy, or something else? Continue reading 06.17.20. Autonomy, or Anarchy?