03.17.16. Election 2016: The Battlefield

The Mouth and McNonymous kick off the 2016 election season with a program that highlights the current political fracas occurring in America with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and other presidential hopefuls. Continue reading 03.17.16. Election 2016: The Battlefield

Obama Issues Request to Congress for Use of Military Force Against ISIL

President Obama is asking Congress to formally authorize military action against IS militants, offering a draft resolution with the door open to ground combat operations “in other more limited circumstances.” Continue reading Obama Issues Request to Congress for Use of Military Force Against ISIL

01.22.15. NASA, NOAA, and International Conspiracies

In other news, NASA and NOAA have been the center of attention lately in saying that 2014 was the hottest year on record.  However, following this official announcement, NOAA data was revealed the following day that says it’s “More Unlikely Continue reading 01.22.15. NASA, NOAA, and International Conspiracies

12.05.14. Entertainment Idiocy and Police Shooting Controversy

It’s that time of year: holiday specials are numbing the minds of Americans, kicking things off with Peter Pan Live The live broadcast got our attention, since it features “The Classic” himself, Christopher Walken, along with an “indigenous update” of sorts, where Continue reading 12.05.14. Entertainment Idiocy and Police Shooting Controversy

11.11.14. Conspiracy Culture and POW/MIA Coverups

This week’s program features a tribute not only to our Veterans of war, but also to those missing in action, and the controversy surrounding failed attempts to locate and recover servicemen who may have been left behind in foreign conflicts. Before Continue reading 11.11.14. Conspiracy Culture and POW/MIA Coverups

11.05.14. Remember, Remember… High Treason in History

The Fifth of November arrives again, and on this momentous and historical holiday, we examine the results of the mid-term election, which was, quoting President Obama, “a good night for Republicans.” That, in fact, may be the understatement of his Continue reading 11.05.14. Remember, Remember… High Treason in History