12.09.16. Pizzagate: Why It Won’t Go Away

On this edition of Middle Theory, our resident wardens of liberty embark upon a quest to understand one of the greatest riddles of our time: why do so many people believe in the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory? The mainstream media correctly asserts that Continue reading 12.09.16. Pizzagate: Why It Won’t Go Away

12.01.16. Feast of the Beast: Middle Theory’s Person of the Year 2016

On this week’s edition of Middle Theory, The Mouth and McNonymous nominate their picks for 2016 Person of the Year, as we look at a number of noteworthy events of the year and those involved. Continue reading 12.01.16. Feast of the Beast: Middle Theory’s Person of the Year 2016

11.08.16. Live 2016 Election Coverage

On Tuesday, November 08, 2016, the entire Middle Theory team went live with 3.5 hours of live election coverage, in a historic election that resulted in Donald Trump assuming the position of 45th President of the United States in a Continue reading 11.08.16. Live 2016 Election Coverage

11.08.16. Election 2016: America Heads to the Polls

This week on Middle Theory, the boys in the bunker bring election coverage in the hours leading up to the final countdown of election 2016. As Americans take to the polls across the country, election fraud, voter intimidation, and a number Continue reading 11.08.16. Election 2016: America Heads to the Polls

11.01.16. The FBI Reopens its Clinton File

This week on Middle Theory, an unusual last-minute turn of events sees the FBI reopening an investigation into the Clinton email server scandal, thanks to new emails discovered in a separate investigation. In response, Director James Comey is now in the spotlight, Continue reading 11.01.16. The FBI Reopens its Clinton File