03.23.17. The Man: Paul Manafort & The Russian Job

This week on Middle Theory, we look at continuing investigations into alleged collusion between Trump’s aides and Russia, and how Paul Manafort seems to remain a central player. This week, we launch into the show shortly after another planned Wikileaks Press Continue reading 03.23.17. The Man: Paul Manafort & The Russian Job

03.16.17. The Return of Trump’s Taxes

This week on Middle Theory, Donald Trump’s tax returns take center stage once again, as an anonymous leak raises new questions about the U.S. President. Fresh on the heels of the recent Dutch election, a blow has been dealt to Continue reading 03.16.17. The Return of Trump’s Taxes

03.09.17. Vault 7: Year Zero

This week on Middle Theory, we give our breakdown of the recent Wikileaks releases, which highlight CIA surveillance and cyber intelligence. As we kick things off, Mr. McNonymous and the Doctor Down Below examine the recent Wikileaks release of troves Continue reading 03.09.17. Vault 7: Year Zero

03.01.17. Mic Drop: Trump’s Congressional Address

This week on Middle Theory, we review President Trump’s first address to Congress, and the news and reviews that followed in the hours that followed. As if “Pizzagate” hadn’t seemed weird enough… here comes Envelopegate, the conspiracy that supposes this year’s Continue reading 03.01.17. Mic Drop: Trump’s Congressional Address

02.14.17. Valentine’s Day: Trapped in a Heart-Shaped Donut

This week, The Mouth and McNonymous feel the love as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, and analyze the latest claims of Russian propaganda, “cyber trolling”, and other weirdness going on in the fake news. Happy Valentine’s Day! This week, as we’re Continue reading 02.14.17. Valentine’s Day: Trapped in a Heart-Shaped Donut

02.07.17. How Milo Can You Go?

This week on Middle Theory, we examine protest and unrest in response to Breitbart Tech News editor Milo Yiannopoulous; whose freedom of speech is at risk? Kicking things off in the midst of controversy, we start off looking at the Continue reading 02.07.17. How Milo Can You Go?

01.28.17. The Executive’s Orders

This week on Middle Theory, we look at President Trump’s first week in office, and the executive orders he has passed dealing with immigration and other issues. Kicking things off this week, it was a sad week for beer bottling as Continue reading 01.28.17. The Executive’s Orders

01.20.17. Inauguration Day: The “Designated Survivor”

This week on Middle Theory, we discuss the highlights, and controversies surrounding the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. It is “a uniquely American expression of our Constitutional system”, the ceremonial inauguration of our Continue reading 01.20.17. Inauguration Day: The “Designated Survivor”

01.12.17. Buzzfeed: Buzzkill

This week on on Middle Theory, a Buzzfeed article alleging Russia may have compromising information about President Elect Donald Trump has caused upset at a unique moment between presidencies. But first, we spend a bit of time discussing trending news, Continue reading 01.12.17. Buzzfeed: Buzzkill

01.08.17. Wikileaks, Russia, and Fort Lauderdale Under Fire

This week on Middle Theory, we analyze the ongoing controversies surrounding Wikileaks and the alleged Russian hack of DNC servers, as well as the recent shooting attack at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. Happy New Year, first of all… kicking things Continue reading 01.08.17. Wikileaks, Russia, and Fort Lauderdale Under Fire

12.31.16. Grizzly Stepping into the New Year

This week on Middle Theory, we celebrate EVE in the NOON, as we do our traditional New Year’s Eve podcast, looking back on the last 12 months, but also spending time looking at the most relevant news and headlines. These Continue reading 12.31.16. Grizzly Stepping into the New Year