08.25.17. Antifa in America

This week on Middle Theory, in addition to a discussion about conspiracy theories, belief in them, and media manipulation, we focus on the unrest and controversy surrounding the Antifa groups and their counter-protest activities. What is a “conspiracy theory”, and Continue reading 08.25.17. Antifa in America

08.17.17. Clash in Charlottesville

This week on Middle Theory, a recent white nationalist march in Charlottesville was met with counter protests, which resulted in one death and nineteen injuries… and in the aftermath, Donald Trump’s comments became the central focus of the issue. While Trump defended Continue reading 08.17.17. Clash in Charlottesville

08.06.17. Leaks of Fury

This week on Middle Theory, in the wake of Anthony Scarramucci’s abrupt departure, the White House continues its war on leaks about its integral operations. This week, all hell is breaking loose… quite literally for some. Employees at one business Continue reading 08.06.17. Leaks of Fury

06.30.17. Trump’s Twitter-Tantrum

This week on Middle Theory, for some reason Donald Trump’s latest “Twitter-Tantrum” are the leading story in the news (again). What does the ongoing saga of our commander in chief’s social media activity tell us about him, his mental state, and Continue reading 06.30.17. Trump’s Twitter-Tantrum

06.23.17. Philando Castile: Justice Served?

This week on Middle Theory, we begin by looking at the movement to have the United Nations ban cultural appropriation, in an effort to enforce that ever-fine-line between appreciation, and appropriation. But should things like yoga be considered “cultural appropriation”, in Continue reading 06.23.17. Philando Castile: Justice Served?