07.13.20. Antiscience: The Truth Behind the Mask


This week we look at antiscientific biases, how politics on both the left and the right can influence them, and why medical masks have become a political statement in America. 

As Federal prosecutors warn that granting Ghislaine Maxwell bail could be equivalent to allowing her to disappear from this reality and never stand trial for crimes she may have helped facilitate, we look at odd election developments in the Lone Star State, and also how autocracies around the world are working to stifle independent journalism. How soon before similar problems begin occurring in the “Western World”?

Then getting to the heart of the discussion this week, Dr. Anthony Fauci recently warned that “antiscientific” biases prevail in the United States. Nothing has become more emblematic of that, perhaps, than the notion that choosing whether or not to wear medical masks in public has become so politically polarized in America. This issue raises meaningful points both in terms of politics, and science… but should the idea of “antiscientific” biases or practices also be seen in terms of “right and left”, or are both political viewpoints just as guilty in their own way? We take the middle path as we examine these, and other issues this week on Middle Theory.

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A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

  • Connie Fletcher
  • Bethany Trottier
  • James Malone

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