02.07.22. Cancel Culture Wars

cancel culture wars

This week, the cancel culture wars continue to be waged over controversial podcaster Joe Rogan’s position with Spotify,  and the National Archives goes in search of missing Trump-era documents at Mar-a-Lago. 

To say that we live in strange times is an understatement… and this week, as CNN anchor Brian Stelter goes “rogue” in attempting to explain some of his employer’s recent controversies, he leaves many viewers asking, “who is he trying to convince?” Meanwhile, we also look at odd contradictions and controversies surrounding mask mandates, why President Joe Biden has been called out by some in the UK for wearing a mask in public, and why several doctors have changed their views on the science of battling the coronavirus pandemic. Then, we shift our attention to the recent raid of Mar-a-Lago by the National Archives, who went in search of missing “love letters” and other documents kept as mementos by former President Trump. As the National Archives goes in search of historical information that is intended to be left to future generations, many celebrities are now trying to hide their past statements from “Internet Archaeologists” who are diligently digging up artifacts from the past that have recently led to further problems for podcaster Joe Rogan. We examine the current state of the controversy, and much more on this week’s edition of Middle Theory. 

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A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

  • Julia Gali 
  • Emily Taylor
  • Robert Westfall
  • Robert Walshe

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