01.06.21. The Last Stand


As we kick off a new year, chaos ensues in Washington as protesters flood the Capitol Building, interrupting Congress’s Electoral College Certification. 

It’s a new year, everyone… and yet it feels pretty familiar, as we begin our coverage of the news in 2021 with chaos unfolding in the Nation’s Capital. While Vice President Mike Pence performed the awkward role of presiding over the Senate’s certification of Electoral College votes that will ultimately put Joe Biden in the White House, supporters of Donald Trump marched through Washington and made their way to the Capitol Building, where things quickly escalated and protesters made their way into the building.

We look at the events leading up to this unprecedented breach of our Nation’s Capital, as well as what the responses by President-Elect Biden, as well as President Trump, have been. Will America be able to find its way back to a more stable way of life, and government? We ask these questions, and look at the events of the last few hours on this week’s edition of Middle Theory.

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A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

  • Edith Wacker 
  • Daniel Baumberger
  • Jon Haskins
  • Robert Westfall
  • Grimerica
  • Elizabeth Hove
  • Jill Ellis
  • Connie Fletcher
  • Stacia Schwartz
  • Mark Hankins II
  • Ali Buchan
  • Brett Giles
  • Brian Davis
  • Robert Walshe

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